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German courses and

Our individual German courses and private German lessons can mainly focus on speaking German correctly and fluently - listening comprehension - […] Mehr lesen

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The advantages and key

The German teacher can focus 100 per cent of his attention on the student´s needs and objectives. Individual German lessons can also focus on […] Mehr lesen

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The advantages and key

Students have the opportunity to immerse themselves completely in the German language by speaking German throughout the lesson. A profound grammatical […] Mehr lesen

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Einzeltraining als

Spanischkurse, Französischkurse und Italienischkurse als Individualunterricht in einer kleinen Gruppe können - ebenso wie das Einzeltraining - auch jederzeit kurzfristig beginnen. Für mehr lesen >>>

Flexibel Lernen in der

Zur Vorbereitung auf die theoretische Prüfung bieten wir Ihnen unterschiedliche Varianten an: Lernen via Internet, Lernen mit Lern- CD, DVD oder USB- Stick, Lernen mit mehr lesen >>>

Unsere Sprachschule und

Unsere Sprachschule verfügt über Standorte in Dresden-Neustadt, Dammweg 3, und Dresden-Striesen, Schandauer Str. 55, sowie in Berlin-Mitte, Seestr. 44. Alle drei mehr lesen >>>

Schwerpunkte und

Die Schwerpunktsetzung im Unterricht sowie die Themenauswahl für den Sprachkurs erfolgt in Abstimmung mit dem Lernenden, wobei die Lehrkräfte unserer mehr lesen >>>

Created by

German courses and German lessons for your job, business, everyday life, tourism, training, school and studies as well as specialized German lessons for economics, sciences and technology

Our individual German courses and private German lessons can mainly focus on speaking German correctly and fluently - listening comprehension - general or special German communication in speaking and writing - teaching colloquial language for everyday life and special language for business and your job - understanding and translating German texts dealing with a variety of topics - teaching and practising vocabulary and grammar - writing texts in German (reports, essays, letters, articles ...) - improving your German pronunciation - discussing, convincing and presenting - expressing your opinion - explaining your standpoint - developing negotiating skills - office communication in German (telephoning, writing business letters, making appointments ...) - repetition of vocabulary and German grammar - preparation for your job interview and all language examinations - additional German lessons for pupils, students and adults. Our language school does not charge any registration fees for the individual German lessons / private German courses. The clients of our language schools only have to pay for the German lessons they take plus teaching material and reference books (textbooks, dictionaries etc.). […] Mehr lesen >>>

The advantages and key objectives of our individual lessons in the German language at our language school in Berlin

The German teacher can focus 100 per cent of his attention on the student´s needs and objectives. Individual German lessons can also focus on preparing students for national or international language tests, such as the DSH test (DSH-Prüfung) for students who intend to study at a German university or college. Specific needs and requirements of the individual student can be met by a tailor-made programme of teaching. The student does not miss any German lessons if he is not able to turn up for an appointment because he has the opportunity of cancelling and postponing lessons free of charge. Practical language skills, such as speaking, listening, reacting, writing and understanding the spoken and written German language, are improved very fast. The intensity of the German lessons (e.g. once or twice per week, every second day, every day) and the duration of the German course are also planned according to the student´s needs. […] Mehr lesen >>>

The advantages and key objectives of our individual lessons in the German language at our language school in Berlin

Students have the opportunity to immerse themselves completely in the German language by speaking German throughout the lesson. A profound grammatical knowledge, a wide range of German vocabulary combined with communicative competence are built up. At the beginning of the individual German lessons a detailed diagnosis concerning grammar, vocabulary and speaking skills is carried out in connection with an assessment of the student´s needs. Thus the student´s precise level of the language and his specific requirements are taken into consideration and are the basis of the individual curriculum for the German course. Individual lessons can start any time throughout the year - in most cases already a few days after registration. The appointments for the lessons are flexibly made between the teacher and the student according to the student´s wishes. The intensity of the German lessons (e.g. once or twice per week, every second day, every day) and the duration of the German course are also planned according to the student´s needs. […] Mehr lesen >>>

Nutze die Zeit für denFirmenprovider - in Sachsen - Deutschland - Europa

Wurzel des Baumes Auf dem Hügel, auf dem das Feuerholz aufgeschichtet war, spross die Wurzel eines Baumes und wuchs zu einem hohen Baum heran. Dieser Baum ist jetzt […]
Im Saale Und im Saale wogen heiter Die geschmückten Menschenwellen, Und die lauten Pauken wirbeln, Und es schmettern die Drommeten. »Doch warum, o schöne […]
Auerbachs Keller. Das Leben froh geniessen, ist eine Kunst, gar werth, die Professorenweisheit, Magisterwitz nicht lehrt. Musst sie vom Leben lernen, das lehrt ohn' […]

Informatik, systematische Darstellung, Speicherung, Verarbeitung und Die Vögel

Die Vögel

Wenn es beginnt zu tagen, Die Erde dampft und blinkt, Die Vögel lustig schlagen, Daß dir dein Herz erklingt: Da mag vergehn, verwehen Das trübe Erdenleid, Da sollst […]

Informatik, systematische Darstellung, Speicherung, Verarbeitung und Abgrund der Liebe

Abgrund der

Du nie versiegendes tiefes Meer, du Abgrund der Liebe, ich lasse dich nicht, - meine Stirn so heiß und mein Auge schwer, du gibst mir Kühlung, du gibst mir Licht! […]

Informatik, systematische Darstellung, Speicherung, Verarbeitung und  Ich will!

Ich will!

Hoch stand ich auf dem Dach' und sah seltsamste Morgenglut: Rings wogte über die Häuser hin ein Meer von Brand und Blut. Es brüllte die schwarzrot qualmende […]